Saturday, October 23, 2010

Faithful is His Name

Yesterday I was reading in 2 Timothy 2 verses 11-13. It is about dying with Christ is living with Him. Enduring is reigning with Him. If we dare disown Him, He would disown us. I feel that I have died to Christ and my have I endured. I wouldn't dare disown Him as He is my life and breath. But verse 13 says, "if we are faithless,". As of late, I have really come to realize no matter how strong I feel in my faith; no matter how much I feel that Christ is my life; I live so much in fear rather than faith. I set out to have faith, yet my mind and actions scream fear. What an humbling confession and realization! Therefore I am faithless more times than I care to admit. I love how we can read a scripture and it is as if we have never read it before. Verse 13 says, "if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself." WOW! God will still be God when I fear, fall, or fail. It is His only nature and He cannot be anything else. How can I not trust in that? I know I tend to camp out at the very place where I feel that I have been anything less than my very best for God. God doesn't miss a step. He cannot help but bless us! He longs to be faithful to us! It is His very nature! Thank you, God for loving me and being faithful despite my sinful, doubting nature.